THE European Union flag is no longer flying on the roof of Woking’s civic offices – contrary to claims from angry residents.

The distinctive blue flag with 12 yellow stars was lowered on the evening of Friday 31 January, the last day of the UK’s membership of the union.

But, on Tuesday last week, 4 February, a post on the local Nextdoor social media network was demanding the flag should be taken down.

“Somebody needs to get up there and remove it ASAP,” said a post from a Goldsworth Park resident. “If I did it, I would burn the bl**dy thing.”

This prompted a quick response from a writer in Horsell: “Good luck with that.  As a result of EU regulations, the flag is fireproof.”

The post sparked a number of comments from both sides of the Leave and Remain debate, ending with: “Being as I have been informed that it is fireproof, better to cut the EU flag into tiny bits and make EU supporters eat it!”

However, a borough council spokesman told the News & Mail: “I think there’s been some confusion. The EU flag was removed from atop the civic offices on Friday 31 January.

“What is flying above the offices now is the Investors in People flag. It’s a similar blue to the EU flag and features a white laurel with the words ‘Investor in People’ underneath, which I suppose could be mistaken for 12 golden stars.”