West Byfleet Bowls Club members got together to raise vital funds to help support dementia sufferers.

Club president Colin Bater designated dementia organisations as his charities for 2023.

More than £650 has been collected by the club from donations by its members and various fundraising events and will be shared between Dementia Carers’ Support in New Haw and Alzheimer’s Research UK.

Colin said: “Our committee always tries to select worthwhile causes for our annual charities and I can think of no worthier causes than dementia sufferers. 

“The donations are thanks to the generosity of our club members and all the hard work put in by the committee to organise events to make things happen.”

To donate to these worthy causes, or to find out more information:

* Dementia Carers Support – call 01932 342910, email [email protected]

* Alzheimer’s Research UK – see www.alzheimersresearchuk.org