AWARD-winning comedian, writer and actor Sarah Mills brings her debut one woman show, Badass, to the Guildford stage next week.

Performed throughout the Edinburgh Festival to rave reviews, it turns out even bowel cancer can be funny in the hands of Sarah, who has written a show based on her cancer experience – which she describes as a love note to the NHS. 

At the beginning of 2018, things are looking rosy for Sarah Mills. She has the bachelorette pad, a job she doesn’t hate and friends who make her feel she’s living in a glossy 90s sitcom. Now all she needs is a fella.

But instead of finding her prince, she finds a surprise in her poo. The next two years are spent swapping dresses for hospital gowns and Lambrini for laxatives. This is her story, in all its painfully funny detail.

Badass is the winner of the BAFTA Rocliffe award for Comedy, and Sarah brings it to the Mill Studio at Guildford’s Yvonne Arnaud Theatre on Thursday and Friday next week, 23 and 24 February.