One of the words that occurs regularly in the Bible is “compassion”.

I love this word because it expresses a warm attention for everyone in need.

And is that not what our society needs so much?

When you are compassionate, the things that happen to others (illness, poverty, abuse) are bothering you and you feel the need to reach out to those who suffer.

In Exodus, chapter 34, verse 6, God introduces himself to Moses as the God who is “compassionate” and “gracious”, “slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness”.

God cares and asks us to care for the poor, the foreigner, those on the edge of society.

Jesus Christ looked at the people and saw how they were burdened with worries, with illnesses and problems.

And then it says: “..he had compassion on them..” (Matthew 9, verse 36).

This is how God is: compassionate.

Our suffering touches his heart.

And it’s great when people reach out to others in God’s name, out of compassion.