The WOKING Litter Warriors have been out in force once again, this time returning to a stretch of Guildford Road near the Sutton Green Garden Centre where they have cleared of rubbish on more than one occasion in recent times.

This time, however, they were staggered to find a total of 57 large NOS (nitrous oxide) canisters in two separate locations, the secluded layby on Whitmoor Lane and the more accessible layby slightly further north, right beside Guildford Road.

In addition, a search of the bushes and undergrowth at the latter location gave up dozens of assorted empty beer cans as well as cigarette packets, food wrappers and general rubbish.

“The largest number of NOS canisters we’ve found on previous litterpicks is probably no more than half a dozen but this time we were hauling them out of the bushes by the armful,” said Warriors’ founder Lauren Horncastle.

Surrey Police have been advised of this worrying discovery and the locations passed on to local patrol teams to keep an eye on.

Aside from the canisters, the Warriors collected a total of 31 bin bags of rubbish, several wheel covers and other car parts, carpets apparently ripped out of a van or other commercial vehicle, a fly-tipped house door and multiple large plastic jerry cans.

“On our last visit to this stretch of road a larger group of our members collected fewer bags of rubbish,” continued Lauren. “It seems that, unfortunately, the litter problem around Woking is getting worse rather than better.”

The Litter Warriors meet as a group roughly once or twice a month in the Woking area, rain or shine, and can be found on Facebook at Woking Litter Warriors (WLW) and on Instagram at wokinglitterwarriors. Alternatively you can email them at [email protected]