DO YOU automatically say yes to requests and then regret it? Feel taken advantage of and resentful? Pretend everything is fine when it isn’t?

Then award-winning relationship coach Helen Snape is here to help.

The Woking author’s new book Drop the Fake Smile: The Recovering People Pleaser’s Guide to Self-Love, Boundaries and Healthy Relationships is released next month with the aim, as Helen puts it, of “helping you recover from chronic people-pleasing and burnout”.

And Helen writes from experience. After burning out at work in a long and successful career in human resources and losing herself in a long-term relationship, Helen realised she had the “disease to please” and set about discovering the magic of boundaries. 

She left the nine to five regime to start her own coaching practice and she is passionate about helping others.

“It’s the book I needed to read many years ago, but it wasn’t there,” Helen said. “I had realised I was a chronic people-pleaser but had no idea how to stop.

“Since then, through all kinds of self-development, I have learnt so much that it was bursting out of me to share it with the hope it will inspire and transform other peoples’ lives.

“My fervent wish is for it to find its way to readers who will benefit from it.”

Helen, who lives in Woking with her partner, will launch the book at the Lionsheart Bookshop in the town centre on Saturday, September 9 from 2pm to 5pm.

A signed copy can also be ordered from publisher at £12.99.