BOYS and girls from 1st Knaphill Scout Group picked up huge amounts of litter in the areas around their homes on New Year’s Day.

Joined by leaders and parents, they were continuing the group’s tradition of clearing up discarded rubbish on the first Saturday of the year.

Beavers, Cubs and Scouts enthusiastically took up the challenge, working in small groups, with some interesting finds going into their sacks.

“The amount of litter we found was incredible,” said group scout leader Tracey Daniell. “There seems to be a real problem with takeaway containers and drinks cans thrown into verges from cars.

Warbury Lane, a narrow road that runs from Chobham Road, Knaphill, to Bisley was the worst spot for discarded fast food items.

“We had 38 group members out litter picking, which together with their families meant more than 100 were out cleaning the streets and parks around Knaphill.

“The number of discarded facemasks found was truly shocking, well over 50 were picked up.”

Beaver James said: “I was surprised how much I enjoyed collecting the litter. I found a crutch and a steam cleaner, as well as lots of facemasks and drinks cans.”

Cub Bibi worked out a way with her dad to collect lots of empty beer cans that had been thrown behind a fence alongside a footpath.

Tracey added: “Litter picking is a satisfying activity, as you can really see the results of your efforts. I would urge everyone to do their bit and help make our community cleaner.”

See the full picture spread in the 13 January edition of the News & Mail, in shops now!