Kane FM’s MindWaves project needs your help to keep reaching young people in need of its services.
Located at 40 Degreez in Farnham. MindWaves works with young people with learning differences and wellbeing issues, to build confidence through electronic music and radio and to support them as they go into adulthood.
A shortage of funding means the project can’t take on more people and funding applications take time to submit and the funds or grants are not always available.
Jenniann Davies founded MindWaves three years ago and volunteers her own time without getting paid for it.
Jenniann said: I volunteered to set it up because I used to work in youth justice and with children and family services. We take 14 to 25 year-olds and have had more than 500 young people during that time.
“A lot of people come for one on one sessions for an hour and a half each week but we found that a few people who were coming had mental health and learning difficulties.
“We developed these sessions and we help them build confidence, self esteem, transferable skills and gain qualifications.”

The project also offers the Arts Award, help with college applications and more. Despite funding applications to councils and organisations, no solution appears. Current money coming in is from schools sending their students and through the Guildford Community Lottery and only goes so far.
More volunteers are also needed to help out with news bulletins and the sessions. Only one person does the news bulletins and Gid Sedgwick who does the studio sessions.
At present, £255 has been raised of the £5,000 target on the gofundme page.
For more information, visit https://www.kanefm.com/mindwaves/. If you can help, email [email protected] or donate at https://tinyurl.com/MindWaves-gofundme