WITH the regeneration of Sheerwater well under way, treasured memories of life on the estate have been preserved in the foundations of the new development.

On behalf of the local community, the Mayor of Woking, Cllr Beryl Hunwicks, placed a 16-inch stainless steel time capsule in the ground where the first residential properties will be built.

Contained within the stainless steel air- and water-tight container are historical records and references to life in Sheerwater. These have been curated by Sheerwater Together, a community group made up of residents and representatives from Mascot, St Michael’s Church, Sheerwater Islamic and Education Centre, Citizens Advice and other local organisations.

Items selected for the time capsule include a copy of the regeneration plans, the Mayor of Woking’s crest, the Sheerwater census profile, a complete set of coins of each denomination, a copy of the Woking News & Mail, the Sheerwater coat of arms and a grocery receipt which shows the cost of such essential items as a pint of milk and a loaf of bread.

The capsule is guaranteed to last for 200 years and will be marked on the official site plans. Its GPS co-ordinates will be added to the official time capsule register so any future developer will know where to find it.

For the full story get the 23 January edition of the News & Mail