AN ACTOR who grew up in Chobham will soon be appearing in the UK’s most-watched TV soap.
Charlotte Jordan has won a part in Coronation Street, playing the stepdaughter of the Rovers Return landlady.
Charlotte will be a new arrival in Corrie later this year, playing Daisy Midgeley, daughter of Jenny Connor’s ex-husband.
The 25-year-old, whose recent TV credits include the part of Gaby Grant in the Netflix drama Free Rein, will be playing a character described as “full of fun and a serious minx”.

“I am thrilled to be joining such a well-loved and iconic show like Corrie during its 60th anniversary and especially whilst living in such uncertain times,” she said.
“Daisy has been a delight to play so far with her lack of filter and flirty nature, but there’s certainly more to her than meets the eye. I’m excited to flesh her out and see what lies ahead for hers and Jenny’s relationship.”
The programme’s producer, Iain MacLeod, said: “Above all, she will bring chaos and conflict into Jenny’s life, as her stepmum tries to make up for walking out on her some years ago.”
Charlotte, who is also known as Charlie Evans, was a pupil at the Byfleet-based Susan Robinson School of Ballet for several years and went to Oakfield School at Pyrford.
“She was amazing all round and very bright,” said Jade Souter, who was one of Charlotte’s ballet teachers. “She was entered in competitions for ballet, singing and acting and got distinctions in her exams.”