Dear Editor,

I FULLY support the call from the Liberal Democrat party for Parliament to be recalled amid estimates that 500 people across the country each week are dying due to A&E delays.

The Government should pass an emergency health plan and declare a “national major incident” this week to save lives and ease the pressure on overstretched nurses, doctors and paramedics.

This is a life or death situation for people in Woking and right across the country.

The NHS is collapsing in front of our eyes whilst the Prime Minister and health secretary are nowhere to be seen. This is a national crisis and therefore it is only right MPs get back to Westminster to fix the problem.

The Prime Minister must declare a major incident now to put the NHS back on a pandemic-style footing amid soaring numbers of deaths.

We have already seen in our own area that ambulance waiting times have reached dangerous levels whilst so many of us have stories of long waits at A&E.

This is on top of face-to-face GP and NHS dentist appointments being almost impossible to find.

Something has to be done.

Will Forster, Lib Dem Parliamentary Candidate for Woking

* HAVE you been caught up in delays at local A&E departments, or affected by ambulance waiting times? Can more be done to help the under-pressure NHS? Have your say below, or send a letter to the News & Mail, via [email protected].

For more readers' letters and local comment, see the 5 January edition, in shops now.