A YOUNG wildlife enthusiast has raised hundreds of pounds for a conservation charity, through running a fundraising stall and rattling a collection box in front of chip shop customers.

Jacob Tang set up his stand outside Knaphill Fish Bar on Saturday, tempting people with freshly squeezed lemonade, cupcakes, bird feeders and bug hotels.

The proceeds plus donations over the previous week add up to £713.56 raised by the six-year-old for the Woking-based WWF.

“Jacob was blown away by the level of support received both during the event itself and from friends, and new friends, who helped him to arrange it,” said his mum, Soo, who runs the chip shop with husband Alan.

“We had a fantastic response from school friends, local businesses including Ernie’s Corner Café and the Useful Wood Company, our regulars and so many Knaphillians who popped by as they did their Saturday errands.”

“The WWF is such an important organisation and a real passion of Jacob’s, so he was delighted to have raised such a whopping amount.”

Jacob is a pupil at St Hugh of Lincoln Primary School at St John’s, where he is considered to be a wildlife expert. He has been an animal lover for as long as he can remember and has been dismayed at the suffering of animals and the planet due to the actions of mankind.

He said he was overjoyed at raising so much money for WWF. “I expected it would be around £400 all together,” he added. “I’d like to thank all the people who helped me run the stall and those who gave us things to sell.

Jacob is thinking about what he can do next to support the charity. “I might arrange a sponsored litter pick,” he said