A FLORIST in St John’s has decorated its window with a display paying homage to the musical and film Little Shop of Horrors to mark Halloween.

Instead of the traditional ghosts, witches, cobwebs and pumpkins, Ring-a-Roses has a mock-up of the man-eating Audrey II plant that featured in the 1986 comedy-horror film starring Rick Moranis and Steve Martin.

The film, about an alien space plant looking to conquer the world, was based on the musical, which was performed by Woking group WAOS at the Rhoda McGaw Theatre in November last year.

Rachel Chambers, who has been running Ring-a-Roses for more than 25 years, said the window display was put together by her employee Rachel Claus and her friend Laura.

“They did it off their own bat one Sunday evening. It looks great,” Rachel said.

The display used different mosses, magnolia leaves and polystyrene teeth to achieve the eerie effect.

Rachel celebrated 25 years of running the shop in May this year. She had previously run Rachel Childs Floral Design in Goldsworth Road.

“I love what I do and as I’ve always said: no matter what you do you have to enjoy yourself. I have a very loyal staff, full of character and we have a laugh,” she said.

For the full story get the 31 October edition of the News & Mail