ABOUT 200 furry friends pitched up on Millbrook’s field with their two-legged owners for the RSPCA’s annual dog show on Sunday.

The centre’s Fun Dog Show is open to old, young, pedigree, non-pedigree, novice, rescue and homeless canines alike.

And, not to be sniffed at, the event raised more than £4,000, which will be ploughed directly back into the centre and spent on animals in their care.

Manager at the Chobham animal rescue centre, Sue Walters, said: “It was a fantastic day and there was huge support from families and dog lovers.

“I’d like to thank all the people for their help.

“We were amazed and touched by how generous visitors have been – especially in this tough economic climate.”

There was an agility display, fun agility and fastest recall, which was won by Willow, owned by Mr Perry, who completed the recall task in only 2.6 seconds.

There were 10 classes for doggie entries and the winner of each category was put forward to find the Top Dog of the Day.

A Staffie called Smokey, owned by Richard Bos, took the overall accolade.

Sue added: “Smokey had been adopted from this centre about six months ago. Now his fur looks amazing and he’s in  tip-top condition.”