GENESIS Chorale is staging its summer concert on Saturday, July 22, with the theme Water, Water Everywhere.

The choir, which was founded in 1981 and has around 60 members, will be entertaining at St John’s Church in West Byfleet.

Its programme for the event includes excerpts from Gilbert and Sullivan’s HMS Pinafore, Stanford Songs of the Fleet, Whitacre Seal Lullaby and other “watery” music.

“We always employ a talented professional young person as our musical director and also as musical accompanists,” said the choir’s publicity manager Sue Groves. 

“We perform three times a year. Recruits and anyone interested in joining is welcome to come along to one of our rehearsals.”

Rehearsals are held at 7.20pm on Mondays during term time at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Pyrford.

Tickets for the summer concert, which starts at 7.30pm, are available from Brittens Music in Woodham, from choir members or through visiting the choir’s website at