DANCE Woking returned to the Rhoda McGaw Theatre recently to host three stunning dance platforms over three separate days.

Surrey Schools’ SLAM, urban street style performed to the theme Royal Remix, was followed by Moving Beats, which showcased boys’ dance since the pandemic in 2020.

The third platform was Woking SLAM, which also featured an urban-style dance platform, performed by a number of highly experienced dancers, with some of the groups representing Great Britain in international competition.

Reflecting on the three days, Dance Woking’s chief executive and artistic director Sam McCaffrey said: “This was an amazing week of dance, enabling local communities to see great dance. We had a schools’ platform with students new to the theatre.

“We celebrated and encouraged boys in dance, and had dancers performing at very high levels, some at an international level.

“With more than 400 dancers taking to the stage over the week, I am heartened by the breadth and depth of dance we have locally and more widely in Surrey and the South East.

“Woking is a hub for dance and we, as an organisation, want to celebrate and share the joy of dance.

‘‘And we saw Carla Crowley, of Street Vibes Dance School, move to a new chapter in her dance delivery.”

Dance Woking chair Alan Sutherland said: “I am blown away by the standard and focus of the dancers and the way they make the most of the space on stage, but are also aware of their team-mates’ positions to allow difficult jumps, tricks and moves.’’