SQUIRES Woking and the Horsell Allotment Society have teamed up to raise funds for children and adults with learning disabilities.

A competition to guess the weight of a giant pumpkin is running at Squires’ garden centre on Littlewick Road until Saturday (30 October).

Customers are encouraged to donate £1 to enter their guess, with the correct or closest entry winning a £25 Squires gift voucher.

All the proceeds will go to Woking-based LinkAble, which is Squires Woking’s chosen charity for the year.

The pumpkin has been loaned to Squires for the competition by the Horsell Allotment Society on Bullbeggars Lane.

Since its formation in 1989, LinkAble has served Woking and Surrey Heath by providing services supporting adults and children with learning disabilities and autism throughout the year, including school holidays.

“Our activities include holiday schemes, trips to local attractions, arts and crafts, water sports, cycling, drama, keep fit and a programme of events to help our adults live a more independent life,” said Rhys Parker,fundraising and communications manager  at LinkAble.

 “Each year it costs LinkAble more than £550,000 to deliver its core services. We are fortunate that a grant from Surrey County Council covers part of the costs of under-18 service delivery, but we receive no funding for our adult services and rely on contributions from service users and fundraising to raise over £200,000 per year.”

Ed Ridgeon, the manager of Squires Woking, said: “The staff at Squires Woking have really got behind the partnership.

“It was a real talking point with customers, and we were able to raise awareness of our charity partnership with LinkAble and discuss the great work they do.

“We are hopeful that the pumpkin competition will also be a great success and help raise funds.”

* FOR more information on LinkAble or to donate, visit linkable.org.uk.