THE team at Bayfields Opticians and Audiologists in Woking have raised £532 for The Lighthouse charity, which supports people in need, after hosting a successful audiology open day.

Located at Victoria Place Shopping Centre, the business invited residents to the event, which provided refreshments, free hearing health checks and the opportunity to take part in a charity prize draw.

The money raised will provide much-needed funds for The Lighthouse, which operates a community hub in the centre of Woking offering creative projects to support local people who find themselves on the margins, including a number of Ukrainian refugees.

Visitors were also able to get their ears checked by an experienced Bayfields audiologist for signs of hearing loss during a 15-minute appointment.

Lina Wtyklo, practice manager at Bayfields, said: “We were so pleased to have such a great turnout to our event, which gave local residents the opportunity to check in on their hearing while raising funds for a fantastic cause.”

Lighthouse charity director Erik Jesperson added: “I’m so pleased to hear the open day went well, and that Bayfields were able to support some of our Ukrainian refugees with free hearing tests.

“The raffle raised over £500 for The Lighthouse (Emmaus Transformation Trust).”