DO you have any rare plants growing in your home or garden?

The hunt is on for hidden gems that could win the Threatened Plant of the Year 2023 competition. This annual search for rare or threatened garden or house plants has returned for the fourth year.

It is run by Plant Heritage, the world’s leading cultivated plant conservation charity, for plants that have been collected, bred or grown in UK gardens.

Anyone can enter but all plants submitted must be a named cultivar that has been grown or sold in the UK or Ireland before 2013.

Vicki Cooke, conservation manager at Plant Heritage, said: “Our 2022 winner was a rare peony cared for by Roz Cooper from County Durham.

“Thanks to her ongoing care its future is much brighter, as she has provided plant material to someone starting a historic peony collection in Cornwall, which is helping to re-build numbers of this unique plant.”

Those interested have until 20 May 2023 to submit their entries which will be shortlisted by an expert panel from Plant Heritage.

All shortlisted plants will be on display at the RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival (4–9 July) and the overall winner will be presented with an engraved Threatened Plant of the Year 2023 winner’s vase, certificate and special plant label.

To find out more and to enter, visit: