A MOBILE COVID-19 testing unit has been moved into Woking after 20 new cases were recorded in the borough over the past week.

The increase is twice that of any other borough in Surrey.

Woking has a total of 393 cases – less than neighbouring boroughs Surrey Heath with 455 and Guildford with 576 – out of 4,865 cases for Surrey.

However, 20 cases in the last seven days out of 74 for the whole county has suggested a small rising trend.

The mobile unit is at the Woking Leisure Centre and is scheduled to be there until next Friday (28 August). Tests must be pre-booked by phone or online.

A spokesman for the county council public health team said the public should not be alarmed, but confirmed they were modifying specific messages in the Woking area so that the public are alerted to the small rise in cases.

Local lockdowns are not being considered and there are no plans for closure of premises while numbers remain relatively low.

Ruth Hutchinson, Surrey’s director of public health said: “Compared to the national picture Surrey still has relatively low numbers of coronavirus infections. But we cannot be complacent. 

“Everyone in Surrey has a role to play in slowing the spread, by getting tested if they have any symptoms, making sure they continue to socially distance, washing their hands and wearing face coverings. 

“We are still a long way from a local lockdown, if we rein it in now, we can avoid this happening.” 

* If you have any symptoms, such as a persistent cough, high fever, or a change in smell or taste, book a test by calling 119 or visiting www.nhs.co.uk/coronavirus.

For more information, visit surreycc.gov.uk/covidcases.