THE military background of senior staff has helped the Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust win a national award for its work in recruiting former armed forces personnel and their families.

The trust won the Step into Health award for collaborative recruitment of the armed forces community. Step into Health is a programme run by NHS Employers with support from the Royal Foundation and Walking with the Wounded, offering a route into employment and other career development opportunities in the NHS to members of the armed forces community.

The trust’s chief executive, chairman and interim chief nurse are all ex-military personnel.

Suzanne Rankin, the chief executive, said: “ASPH was one of the first 30 NHS organisations in the country to show our commitment to the Step into Health programme.

“As I know from my own experience and that of colleagues, there is an incredible amount of transferable skills and cultural values that are very closely compatible and aligned with those in the NHS.

“I draw on my military experience every day and would encourage any ex-military personnel to be a part of the programme and to pursue a role within the NHS.”

Danny Mortimer, chief executive of NHS Employers, said: “The NHS needs to attract and retain talented people to deliver our Long-Term Plan. There is an amazing pool of talent within the armed forces community, and it’s great to see how much the NHS has benefited from being able to access it.

“NHS organisations from every region of England have pledged to Step into Health, and we look forward to seeing the programme grow even more.”

For the full story get the 19 March edition of the News & Mail