FACEMASKS to protect health workers during the coronavirus pandemic are being produced from homes in Woking using 3D printers.

In Horsell, a young student is printing headbands and making visors from acetate that he buys locally and then sends to care homes and other medical facilities in the area.

Joe Jakubait, who is studying design engineering at the University of Nottingham, is making the parts in his bedroom, while his mum, Sarah Beech, finds healthcare workers who need the shields and organises delivery.

Joe, who hopes to work in the automotive industry, believes he can produce up to 140 facemasks a week and is looking to spread the distribution.

“I’ve donated face visors to local care homes and our local hospice, but I would like to do more.  There are still more care homes and now pharmacists are saying they are at risk by being in a close environment with customers.”

He has set up a Gofundme page to raise £2,000 for materials and has so far received more than half of the total.

Joe was born in Horsell and went to Woking High before starting university.

“As long as the facemasks are needed, I will continue making them. It is a good feeling being able to contribute in some way,” he said.

Facemask headband clips for NHS workers are being produced on a 3D printer from a flat in Chertsey Road  Cee-Jay Williams, the general manager of the Junction Tap pub, has teamed up with a friend in Kent to join a Facebook 3D printer community, which organises regional collection and distribution.

Cee-Jay Williams and Tim Charlesworth, who lives in Tonbridge, each bought printers when the coronavirus crisis started.

“We researched what was possible to print and what was needed by the NHS,” Cee-Jay said.

“The NHS has lots of the see-through visors but needs the clips onto which they fit.”

Earlier this month, they helped to supply 1,000 sterilised clips to the NHS, which had reported a need for around 80,000.

Cee-Jay said: “Now we've mastered the technique we should be able to make a lot more, and fast.

“I've bulk ordered more of the filament needed to create the clips and then it's back to printing.

“I hope that we can make a real difference to our amazing NHS and help them to continue to do the incredible job they are doing for the people of this country.

“I can't thank them enough for the work they do for us every day, but hopefully, this small gesture goes some way to show all of our appreciation.”

Last week Cee-Jay and Tim switched production to clips for masks that fit over the mouth and nose.

“They were using a string that cut into the head and so we are making clips that are more comfortable.”

The two men bought relatively large printers that can produce 16 clips at a time, made from filaments sold at big discounts to anyone printing for the NHS.

With normal life on hold for at least a few weeks yet, Cee-Jay said he is adjusting well.

“My daily routine has certainly changed. Every morning I’m busy working on school work with my two daughters – and with a new puppy in the family, we’re certainly kept busy. Apart from that, I spend most of my time on the 3D printer. I’m keen to do everything I can do to help.”