Were you a member of 8th Woking Brownies or Guides? The two units are celebrating their 75th anniversary this month and they’re looking for past members to join them at a tea party on Saturday, May 18.

It will be a chance to meet other old members, sing some campfire songs, and try out some Guiding activities from the present day as well as some from the early days of the units.

“We’d love to see as many of our past members as possible, whether they were Guides or Brownies with us in 1950 or 2015,” said Claire Draper, one of the current Guide leaders.

The units, which are based at Trinity Methodist Church on Brewery Road, have been providing challenge and adventure for girls since 1949.

“Things have changed a lot in the last 75 years, but we are still helping all girls to know that they can do anything,” added Claire.

The volunteer leaders, past and present, have worked hard to give girls a varied and exciting range of activities with the aim of building girls’ confidence.

“Did you sing in the National Festival of Song or go on long camps in Guernsey when Betty Eldridge was the leader,” Claire asks. “Or go to Scoutabout or Wiggle 100, or take part in Race for Life when Liz Penfold was in charge?

“Maybe, more recently, you visited London, went donutting or camped at Wellies & Wristbands with the current leader team of me, Kate Spencer-Grundy and Cassie Pither.”

If you were a member of 8th Woking Guides or Brownies, email [email protected] for details of the anniversary party.

Or if you are interested in joining as a volunteer or registering your daughter for Rainbows, Brownies, Guides or Rangers, go to girlguiding.org.uk to find out more.